The 10 best places to visit around Riyadh is a list of the most visited destinations in this historic Saudi capital that could be a perfect day or weekend getaway from the city.
In this article, I’ve placed the top 10 best places to visit around Riyadh in order from 1-10. All of these places are within a reasonable distance from Riyadh.
Being the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh has plenty to offer visitors. Be it appealing to locals or foreigners, there are plenty of places that you want to stay away from if you are looking for perfect cities for tourism.
This does not mean Riyadh is not attractive in its own way. Notwithstanding this, here are our best picnic places in Riyadh.
Here Are Best Places To Visit Around Riyadh
1. Riyadh Gallery Mall
This place is situated on the west bank of the capital and was recently opened in 2018. The mall is the largest shopping center in Saudi Arabia. This is one of the best places to visit in Riyadh 2022.
The retail space can accommodate 450 stores plus a variety of restaurants along with cafes and an IMAX cinema. The mall is linked to the Makkah-Madinah highway where it has shops, restaurants, and boutiques alongside retail stores such as Louis Vuitton.
- Rating – 4.8 stars (google reviews)
- Timing – Saturday to Thursday from 9 am to 10 pm and lastly on Friday from 3 pm to 10 pm
- Phone: +966 11 207 8111
- Entry Fees – No Entry Fees
- Address: King Fahd Rd, King Fahd, Riyadh 12262, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
2. King Saud University
Another best place to visit in Riyadh with family. Saudi students are welcomed here and therefore, it has developed a good number of restaurants and coffee shops. The food and services here reflect the country with Saudi Arabic influences.
Also, the art and architecture displays are of good quality and interesting and can be enjoyed by the visitors.
It is situated in the west of Riyadh, accessible from the King Abdullah Highway.10 best places to visit around Riyadh
- Rating – 4.8 Stars 9google review)
- Timing – Everyday 24 Hours
- Phone: +966 11 467 0000
- Entry Fees – No Entry Fees including some restrictions
- Address: King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
3. Masmak Fortress
A historic castle with an impressive design. It was built in 1880 for the then ruler of Riyadh. It is designed in the shape of an amphitheater and you can get up close and personal with the castle’s architecture.
This is one of the best places to visit in Riyadh at night. It was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites, which shows how unique this castle is.
- Rating – 4.6 stars (google reviews)
- Timing – Tuesday to Saturday from 12 pm to 8 pm And lastly Closed on Sunday and Monday
- Rating: 4.3
- Timing: Open 24 Hours
- Entry Fees – No Entry Fees
- Address: Qasr al-Masmak, Al Imam Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad, Dirah, Riyadh 12652
- Location: Click here to see map
4. Riyadh Rail Station
This is a historical building from the 1978 and one of the best places to visit in Riyadh with friends.
It was a major hub of trains transporting passengers from King Khaled’s time. The railway junction was the center of transport and people would flock here during the holidays and on weekends. For now, the place remains a popular spot for tourists who are looking for a nice old building to visit.
- Rating – 4.6 (Google Reviews)
- Timing – Open 24 hours
- Entry Fees – No Entry Fees
- Address: Al Thoumamah Rd, thumamh, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
5. Masjid Al Nabawi
Most people flock here to see the Mosque because of its beauty and lot of history linked to it. The mosque was built in the 1920s to accommodate the thousands of pilgrims that visit the city to visit the Prophet’s Mosque.
It has over 1,000 marble columns including a mosque, a clock, and a minaret. This is the best place to visit in Riyadh during the summer.
- Rating: 4.9 stars (google review)
- Timing: Open 24 Hours
- Phone: +966 14 823 2400
- Entry Fees – No Entry Fees
- Address: Al Haram, Medina 42311, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
6. Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre
Situated north of the city center this museum was the first to open in the country. It has three sections including Islamic arts and history, Arabian and Middle Eastern history, and international history covering the last eight centuries.
- Rating – 4.6 stars (google reviews)
- Timing – Sunday to Thursday from 12 pm to 8 pm and lastly on Friday to Saturday from 11 am to 8 pm
- Phone: +965 2206 6444
- Entry Fees – No Entry Fees
- Address: 22065, Baghdad St, Salmiya, Kuwait
- Location: Click here to see map
7. King Abdullah International Gardens
Named after the ruling family, King Fahad was the principal benefactor for the gardens. The gardens cover an area of 60,000 sq. meters and are composed of gardens, conservatories, and a rose garden. The garden has been a protected area for plants and animals since the 1960s. This is one of the best parks in Riyadh.
- Rating: 3.8 stars (google review)
- Timing: Open 24 Hours
- Entry Fees: No Entry Fees
- Address: Tuwaiq, Riyadh 14951, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
8. Murabba Historical Palace
Another one of the most popular locations for tourists to visit around Riyadh. The palace was built in the 19th century and once was the administrative headquarters of the king and princes.
It has a royal museum, which features royal costumes and gold and silver utensils along with royal paintings and tapestries.
- Rating: 4.5 stars (google review)
- Timing: Open 24 Hours
- Entry Fees: No Entry Fees
- Phone: +966 11 401 1999
- Address: 2722 الملك سعود، المربع،، Riyadh 12631, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
9. Street 9
A narrow street with restaurants, cafes, and shops alongside the restaurants. Many of these are popular for their Arabic cuisine and desserts. This is one of the best entertainment places in Riyadh.
For more tourist attractions, you can visit the Old Traveling is not less than a great pleasure for the ones who do it several times a year. The question is the kind of trip you want to take and the destination you choose. But there is a great way to plan your trip to see and explore what you can see even in a few days.
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You can make a reservation there to find a package that will suit you. This means no stress for you because you can see what suits your needs and your price range. This way of traveling is very cheap to many because you do not have to pay for traveling and accommodation.
- Rating: 3.9 stars (google review)
- Timing – Temporary Closed, Otherwise open for 24 hours
- Phone: +966 53 331 9462
- Entry Fees: Free
- Address: Al Thoumamah Rd, King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh 13413, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
10. Alsafat Square
Alsafat Square is about 650 km east of Riyadh, and is 450 meters above sea level, tucked away in the mountains on the east bank of River Wadi Faraya.
It is home to an important airport-King Khaled International Airport. It features parks, waterfalls, caves, forests among other natural attractions. The town itself is of no interest and can be reached from the airport at the end of the day.
- Rating – 4.5 (Google Reviews)
- Timing – Saturday to Thursday from 10 am to 9 pm and lastly on Friday from 2 pm to 10 pm
- Entry Fees: No Entry Fees
- Address: شارع الثميري، الديرة، الرياض 12652، Saudi Arabia
- Location:Click here to see map
If you want to stay home, you do not have to pay for those either. On the other hand, you can easily have a place to stay ready and you can relax.10 best places to visit around Riyadh
The famous and popular tourist destination of Al Hamriya, one of the cities in Saudi Arabia. According to the statistics, Saudi Arabia receives more than five million tourists annually, spending over 100,000,000 US dollars.
Bеing а dеsеrt city with its historicаl аnd Islаmic lеgаcy, this bеаutiful city hаs а lot of things to offеr thе tourists. Аl Hаmriyа is thе lаrgеst city in thе аrеа cаllеd Mеccа rеgion аnd it covеrs аn аrеа of 600 sq kilomеtеrs.
Thе city is аlso sаid to hаvе thе lаrgеst аmount of mosquеs in thе world including Thе Grеаt Mosquе of Prophеt Mohаmmеd.
Sаudi Аrаbiа is аn intеrеsting tourist dеstinаtion for mаny rеаsons which rаngе from its historicаl significаncе аnd culturаl bаckground to its bеаutiful nаturаl bеаuty аnd friеndly pеoplе.
This list wаs crеаtеd аnd updаtеd for you by Chеаpеst Trаvеl Dаtеs to hеlp you plаn а vаcаtion morе еаsily.