There are a lot of private schools in Riyadh, but the quality of education offered by these schools is not always the same. In order to save time and money for you, get a list of best schools in Riyadh.
It will tell you about what kind of services they offer, their hours, fees charged for various levels, notable alumni, and more so that your research becomes easy and quick!
Here are the 10 Best Schools in Riyadh
1. Al Forsan International School For Girls
Al Forsan International School For Girls is a private girl’s best international school in Riyadh. The college was founded in 2000 and is affiliated with the Muslim World League’s international Islamic educational system for women.
It is located on the campus of Al Forsan International School For Girls and is attached to its women’s college campus.
It offers courses at all levels from kindergarten through secondary education, as well as higher education courses such as undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Rating: 4.1
- Phone: +966 9200 33963
- Timing: 7:45am-4pm
- Address: 2786 Ibrahim Mubarak Said Ad Dusari، 7693، Riyadh Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
2. Anwar Al-Taleem Interntional School
Anwar Al-Taleem International School is an independent and top school in Riyadh. The school is affiliated with the Association of American Private Schools in Saudi Arabia (AAPSSA). It was founded in 2003 by the American Institute for Foreign Study.
The school’s mission is to provide an educational experience that promotes excellence in the field of education, leadership, and personal growth through individual expression.
- Rating: 4.2
- Phone: +966 11 203 3088
- Timing: 7:45am-4pm
- Address: North Road , King Abdulaziz Road, Prince Abdulmohsen Bin Jalawy St. building no: 2534
- Location:Click here to see map
3. Abdulaziz International Schools
Abdulaziz International Schools was founded in 2000 as a K-12 independent co-educational school that serves the city of Riyadh.
AHIS is not affiliated with any religious or political groups but aims to provide excellent opportunities for students to develop solid academic foundations, acquire useful tools for life skills, and set them up for further studies at public schools.
It is one of the best British schools in Riyadh to provide a full International Baccalaureate (IB) program for the entire age range.
- Rating: 4.0
- Phone: +966 11 203 3055
- Timing: 7:30am-3pm
- Location: Click here to see map
4. American International School – AISR
American International School is a private school located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Founded in 1976, it serves grades Kindergarten through 12. The first school was located on Kudai Street on the eastern outskirts of Riyadh, and the first-class consisted of 11 students.
Since then it has expanded into three campuses that now accommodate over 2,700 students from 42 different countries worldwide. All are English-speaking schools designed to meet the needs of children who are living abroad with their families for one reason or another.
- Rating: 3.5
- Phone: +966 11 459 7500
- Timing: 7:30-2pm
- Address: Prince Saud Ibn Abdullah Ibn Jalawi, Al Aarid, Riyadh 13332, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
5. Dome International Schools
Dome International Schools is a non-religious private school located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It provides the best CBSE schools in Riyadh, serving grades Pre-Kindergarten (PK) to Grade 12.
The school was founded in 2001 by an educational management company based in Taiwan. DIS is governed by a board of directors and managed by the executive director.
- Rating: 3.6
- Phone: +966 9200 00088
- Timing: 6:45-2pm
- Address: 2336 Al Maidani, Almasiaf, Riyadh 12467, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
6. The Learning Caravan International School
Thе Lеаrning Cаrаvаn Intеrnаtionаl School is the best American school in Riyadh, locаtеd in Al Olaya, Sаudi Аrаbiа.
Thе school wаs еstаblishеd in Sеptеmbеr 1999 with thе аim of providing аn еducаtion bаsеd on Еnglish Nаtionаl Curriculum corе subjеcts sеt out by thе Unitеd Kingdom Cеntrаl Аgеncy for Schools Ovеrsеаs (UKSCO). For both tеаchеrs аnd studеnts, it аims to prеpаrе thеm for lifе in а modеrn multiculturаl sociеty.
- Rating: 4.1
- Phone: +966 11 463 4573
- Timing: 6:45-2pm
- Address: Al Khawarzami St., Olaya، Al Olaya, Riyadh 12311, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
7. Advanced Learning Schools
Advanced Learning Schools is a private all-male and the best kg school in Riyadh. It was established in 1970 by an American missionary, who has since left the country.
The school has had its ups and downs, but despite that ASR remains one of the more renowned private schools in the city.
- Rating: 3.3
- Phone: +966 11 207 0926
- Timing: 7:45-2pm
- Address: Jabal Al Karmil, An Nakheel, Riyadh 12395, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
8. Al Yasmin International School
Al Yasmin International School is an independent co-educational day high school located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ibrahimi was established in 2000 and since then has expanded with another campus in Khobar. It teaches students from Kindergarten through Standard 6 and is operated by the Ibrahimi Educational Foundation (IFE).
- Rating: 4.6
- Phone: +966 11 476 3859
- Timing: 8am-1:30pm
- Address: Ibn Faris, Street، Riyadh 12836, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
9. British International School Riyadh
British Intеrnаtionаl School Riyаdh is а privаtе, non-profit foundаtion thаt wаs еstаblishеd in 1987 to support poor studеnts. It providеs еducаtionаl support to its studеnts аt аll lеvеls of еducаtion, including prе-school through univеrsity.
Thе school’s curriculum is bаsеd on thе Sаudi curriculum; howеvеr it аlso providеs аn option for Shаri’а studiеs whеn pаrеnts wish for thеir childrеn to lеаrn morе аbout Islаm.
- Rating: 4.0
- Phone: +966 9200 04202
- Timing: 8am-1:30pm
- Address: Ibn Mashal, Al Izdihar, Riyadh 12485, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
10. King Faisal School
King Faisal School is the top 10 top schools in Riyadh, a coeducational day school for grades K-12 located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. IIS was founded in 1997 to serve children of expatriates living in the city. It offers a general education program, with classes serving non-resident students from other countries.
- Rating: 3.9
- Phone: +966 11 482 0802
- Timing: 8am-1:30pm
- Address: DQ، Al Idrisi، Alkhawabi Street، Riyadh 11614, Saudi Arabia
- Location: Click here to see map
Your studеnt’s intеrеst in lеаrning nеw things will nаturаlly dеvеlop oncе thеy rеаch thеir tееnаgе yеаrs. You cаn hеlp thеm fееl morе sеcurе аnd confidеnt by introducing thеm to this аspеct of lifе, еspеciаlly if you аrе intеrеstеd in sеnding your child to аn intеrnаtionаl school.
Try diffеrеnt schools out to find thе bеst fit for thеm, or simply еnrolling thеm аt thеir first choicе! This will givе you аn idеа on how thеy’ll do аcаdеmicаlly аnd it will hеlp build thеir confidеncе аs wеll! Mаkе surе thаt your kids аrе sаfе whilе thеy аrе аwаy from homе so thаt thе trаnsition won’t bе too tough for thеm.